
Language is the means of dealing
with the nonpresent world.
-Robert Hall
Language is to the mind
more than light is to the eye.
-William Gibson
Language is the light of the mind.
-John Stuart Mill
Language is the blood of the soul
into which thoughts run
and out of which they grow.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
Language is the picture and counterpart
of thought.
-Mark Hopkins
Clarity in language
depends on clarity in thought.
-Arthur M. Schlesinger
Language is not neutral.
It is not merely a vehicle
which carries ideas.
It is itself a shaper of ideas.
-Dale Spender
Language (our own thoughts)
is both the shape of letters
and the numbers of their repetition.
-Lawrence Blair
Like everything metaphysical
the harmony between thought and reality
is to be found in the grammar of the language.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language is memory and metaphor.
-Storm Jameson
Language helps form the limits of our reality.
-Dale Spender
Language creates and determines thought
even while it is created and determined by it.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Language shapes the way we think,
and determines what we can think about.
-Benjamin Lee Whorf
The fall is into language.
-Norman O. Brown
We are suspended in language.
-Niels Bohr
Language tethers us to the world;
without it we spin like atoms.
-Penelope Lively
The individual's whole experience
is built upon the plan of his language.
-Henri Delacroix
The limits of my language
means the limits of my world.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
He who does not foreign language
does not know anything about his own.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A different language
is a different vision of life.
-Federico Fellini
What a vista! A whole new language!
-Sarah Alden Ripley
Each language is a sign and power
of the soul of the people who naturally speak it.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Languages are the barometers
of national thought and character.
-Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare
We inhabit a language
rather than a country.
-Emile Cioran
Language is the only homeland.
-Czeslaw Milosz
Language is not an abstract construction
of the learned, or of dictionary makers,
but is something arising out of
the works, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes,
of long generations of humanity,
and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground.
-Walt Whitman
Language is a city
to the building of which
every human being brought a stone.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Language is by its very nature
a communal thing; that is,
it expresses never the exact thing
but a compromise -
that which is common to you, me and everybody.
-Thomas Earnest Hulme
No differentiated language for a subject means
it is an unconscious area in the consciousness of that people.
-Joseph Campbell
Language is the archives of history.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Language is the amber
in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts
have been safely embedded and preserved.
-Richard C. Trench
Every age has a language of its own;
and the difference in words
is often greater than in the thoughts.
-Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare
After all, when you come right down to it,
how many people speak the same language
even when they speak the same language?
-Russell Hoban
Use what language we will,
we can never say anything
but what we are.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
As was his language
so was his life.
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
It is not the language
but the speaker
we wish to understand.
-The Upanishads
Language most shows a man;
speak, that I may see thee!
-Ben Jonson
Language is the dress of thought.
-Samuel Johnson
Language is apparel
in which your thoughts parade before the public.
Never clothe them in vulgar or shoddy attire.
-George Crane
Like a diaphanous nightgown,
language both hides and reveals.
-Karen Elizabeth Gordon
I am interested in language
because it wounds or seduces me.
-Roland Barthes
Language is a social art.
-Willard Van Orman Quine
Language is wine upon the lips.
-Virginia Woolf
Language exert a hidden power,
like the moon on the tides.
-Rita Mae Brown
High thoughts must have high language.
The finest language
is made up of simple unimposing words.
-George Eliot
If you talk to a man
in a language he understands,
that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language,
that goes to his heart.
-Nelson Mandela
A special kind of beauty exists
which is born in language,
of language, and for language.
-Gaston Bachelard
I want a language that speaks the truth.
-Studs Terkel
Language is a symbol of the incommunicable.
-Walter Benjamin
When we human beings can stop using language
or we can use it to cope simply and purely
and only with the present moment,
we find that the quality of our living is changed.
-Stewart W. Holmes and Chimyo Horioka
The finest command of language
is often shown by saying nothing.
-Roger Babson
All mystics speak the same language
for they all come from the same country.
-Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin